Dear Honorable President Biden:

First, on behalf of The World Conference of Mayors, Inc., (WCM), the Historic Black Towns And Settlements Alliance, Inc.,(HBTSA), the National Policy Alliance, Inc.,(NPA), the National Business League, Inc., (NBL),and the National Black Chamber of Commerce, Inc., (NBCC), we want to thank you for the positive way you are serving our country, the United States of America, “The land of the free and the home of the brave”. Once you close the Democratic National Convention, we invite you to make your first stop, on August 23 rd , or 24 th , in Atlanta, GA, to share your plan to lead America and the world over the next 4 years, with

“The 124 th National Business League Convention, which was started by Dr. Booker T. Washington, of Tuskegee, AL/ The World Conference of Mayors, 40 th Anniversary/ and the National Black Chamber of Commerce, 31 st Anniversary/COLLABORATION/TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT, NATIONAL ALLIANCE, FOR BLACK BUSINESS, INC. (NABB) CONFERENCE.”

Mr. President, we, The WCM, the NBL, and the NBCC, ask you, and members of your administration to make our Collaboration Conference your first stop after the Democratic Convention, in keeping with what might be considered a kind of Presidential precedent, set by President Ronald Reagan, who 40 years ago, in 1984, gave his support to The WCM, during its first conference, and President Theodore Roosevelt who, in 1901, gave his support, during its first conference in Boston, to the National Business League, then known by its original name, the National Black Business League, given by its founder Dr. Booker T. Washington. Last year, in our WCM/NBL/NBCC Collaborative Conference, we had over 1900 Black elected officials, business leaders, educators, legislators, lawyers, including Attorney Benjamin Crump (Black America’s Attorney General), and other distinguished leaders from across the nation and the world. This year we have invited, Black elected and appointed officials, from The Congressional Black Caucus, (CBC), the National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials, (NBC-LEO), the African American Mayors Association, Inc., (AAMA), the National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL), the National Bar Association, and the Judicial Council, (NBA), the National Association of Black County Officials, (NABCO), the National Black Caucus of School Board Members, (NBCSBM), Blacks In Government (BIG). Joseph Boakai the President of Liberia, is our keynote speaker. Liberia was where The WCM held its first conference in December of 1984, (40 th Anniversary. That’s true Black history.) We have invited top leaders from other countries such as Taiwan, South Korea, South Africa, and 32 other countries from around the world to this conference, in keeping with Dr. Booker T. Washington’s 1900 philosophy, which was to bring together government, and business, in a marriage which would benefit Blacks in business, in government and in education, in communities in this country, and in communities around the globe.
Mr. President, we are all, non- partisan organizations, although personally, we support your efforts to make America better, and stronger….. a nation where freedom is truly a reality, and a place where democracy is truly alive. Our theme is, “We are together”, and we know that you are serious about your efforts to communicate, and get your message to Black America.….Well the way to do it, is to, after the Democratic National Convention, attend, bringing representatives from your administration with you: On August 23 rd or 24 th , in Atlanta, GA

“The 124 th National Business League Convention, which was started by Dr. Booker T. Washington, of
Tuskegee, AL/ The World Conference of Mayors, 40 th Anniversary/ and the National Black Chamber of Commerce, 31 st Anniversary/