The World Conference of Mayors, co-hosting The National Business League’s 124th National Black Business Conference at the Hilton Atlanta in downtown Atlanta, GA, from August 21-25, 2024, brought together over 100 prominent Black business leaders, organizations, and corporate executives, including members from the U.S. Department of Commerce. This event aligned with Atlanta Black Business Weekend to organize a unified national Black economic agenda supporting Black-owned businesses.
The conference resulted in connecting the Honorable Johnny Ford, Founder of the World Conference of Mayors, to Dr. Norris Shelton, President of American Slaves, Inc., and founder of the American Slave Nation. Dr. Norris Shelton, an 87-year-old businessman, realizing the slaves America bred have no recorded history, has authored 25 “American Slave History” books: “America’s Little Black Book” was written to corrects historical misrepresentations; it properly identifies descendants of American slaves and introduces the American Slave Nation to its mother nation America. He asserts that his fourth book,

“American Slaves, Inc. Renaissance Plan,” is the only viable solution and strategy capable of securing true reparations for American slaves’ enslavement. Both leaders agree that descendants of American slaves, who now have a defined racial identity, should have been central to discussions at the 124 Annual National Black Business Conference. They emphasize the importance of introducing the American Slave Nation to the world of economics in line with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision. Dr. Gerald Higginbotham, Prime Minister of the American Slave Nation, unveiled the “American Slave Flag” as a symbol of true freedom for descendants of American slaves in their homeland, with 2024 marking a pivotal moment for their recognition and advancement.

Johnny Ford agreed to join ASI in leading the American Slave Nation in pursuit of economic success for descendants of American slaves. This effort is founded on the acknowledgment that under Dr. King’s leadership, descendants of American slaves were misidentified as “Negroes.” Today, the proper identification of descendants of American slaves is crucial to their economic progress. Organizing Black and minority businesses in America without distinguishing the descendants of American slaves from other groups is both misleading and counterproductive. Since emancipation, descendants of American slaves have been labeled with various terms, including “colored,” “Black,” “Negro,” and now “African American.” Misidentification has contributed to erasing their distinct contributions and history. Terms like “Black business” and “minority business” fail to reflect the specific experiences of descendants of American slave in America’s economic landscape.

Proper identification is essential to addressing racial discrimination and inequality. The classification of descendants of American slaves as “African Americans” creates confusion, as it lumps together African immigrants and American-born descendants of slaves, diminishing their distinct identity and depressing their existence. The term “Black” serves as a generic label that distorts the unique history of American slaves, while “minority” diminishes their significance relative to other ethnic groups.
In 2009, the University of Louisville hosted a three-day “American Slaves, Inc. Identity Forum” to clarify that descendants of American slaves are not African Americans (a video of the event is available). According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), African Americans are classified as immigrants including both Black and White Africans who immigrate to the United States. However, descendants of American slaves are not immigrants; they are born in America, and America is their homeland. Their history and contributions are foundational to the nation’s story.
Hon. Johnny Ford remains committed to correcting historical inaccuracies and ensuring that descendants of American slaves are rightfully recognized within America’s economic and social framework.

Notes to Editors:
American Slaves, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded on July 3, 2001, to represent the descendants of American slaves. Dr. Norris Shelton, President of American Slaves, Inc., has authored 25 books on American Slave History, which lay the foundation for the American Slave Nation. These works are taught online and offer an in-depth perspective on the history of American slaves. They are essential reading as the nation moves forward in addressing reparations for slavery.

Dr. Norris Shelton, President
Phone: (502) 939-6688